Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rewind: Let's Take a Step Back

You know, we hear and confirm all the time that life is flying by at a million miles an hour and things are going by so fast that we never take the time to sit back and appreciate them. It’s so true. I’m only 24 and I know I’m constantly feeling like time is flying by and I won’t have enough of it to accomplish everything I’m called to do. I have A LOT to say about this, and will, in a future entry. There are so many things happening in my life at the moment; but I still need to get things all settled before I can go into depth about them here. But know that a long post will be coming in the next few weeks explaining so much about the past few months of my life. I know I’ve been conspicuously absent from this blog for so long now, and this has been the main reason. I’ve been dying to write so many things; but I need to make sure everything is settled in reality before I can divulge it all online. How terrible would it be to find something out about someone online rather than from them personally? So hold out just a little longer dear followers, I will fill you all in soon, I promise.

That aside, I’ve been looking back through my entries and I have several drafts written up that I’ve never posted. I edit and reedit my entries depending on what I’m saying and I end up not getting the chance to finish them sometimes. Then, life flies by, and I never go back to finish or post them. It’s a shame really; some are funny and interesting or have really great moments. At this point however, I’m going to do a really quick summary of a few of them so the gist can at least fall into the expansive abyss that is the web for random people to stumble upon. That, and I’m trying to wrap up a bunch of things I’ve left open and waiting for far too long.

A few were explaining my summer, beyond the identity crisis I went through, these entries were the fun stuff: travels, adventures, and sun! So here is the short version (all richness of detail extricated, which is unfortunate, but I suspect I don’t hold people’s interest much anyway, so why assist the process). After the semester ended, I went to DC with Kayla to visit my sister. We did all of the touristy things: monuments, museums, the works. I realized after all the times I had been to DC to help my sister move and graduate and everything in between, I still had never seen any of these. She moved back to PA in the middle of the summer, so that was my last chance with a free place to crash. Kayla and I returned to DC for a second visit several weeks later where we met up with some of my old friends from high school. We went out to the bars (Kayla and I, my sister and her friends, and my high school friends) and made new friends. Kayla and I got to go rock climbing with these friends the next day. I went hiking several times with Jeremiah as we got to know each other, become friends, and ultimately began dating. I became even closer with the VanScoten clan than I was and am continually blessed by their impact on my life. Kayla and I then took a kayaking trip down the Delaware River and paddled 80 miles in three days. That’s about a third of the entire length. The goal is to knock out the other two thirds in the future. Following that, Kayla and I went down to Nola for a few days and had an amazing time touring, biking, visiting Tulane, eating beignets, and so many things that would take pages more than I can spare to discuss here and now. It was a really eventful and life changing summer for sure. I’m so blessed for all of the opportunities I’ve had and can’t wait to see what else is in store for future summers.

I also had a draft that was about a great moment I had in church. I’m going to just cut and paste it below. Keep in mind it was probably about mid-summer that I actually wrote this, so it’s dated, but it was well expressed and when I read back through it I knew I wanted to make sure it did actually get posted at some point. So here goes:

“I had a really amazing moment in church probably a month or so ago now. The pastor asked all the women to place our hands on the men and pray over them for something specific that we were talking about in church that day. I placed my hand on the guy I was sitting with at the time but noticed another man in front of me with no women next to him. I admit I did hesitate, I'm not always the most outgoing in these areas, but I truly felt like I had to step up so I placed my other hand on this man's shoulder to pray over him as well. As pastor was praying I kept thinking about how my arm was starting to hurt because I was reaching out so far to be able to touch this man's shoulder. Almost as soon as I finished that thought I felt God telling me that sometimes it may be uncomfortable or even painful to reach out to others to touch them with God's love, but the joy of knowing you endured it to glorify Him is so amazingly wonderful. It was a big slap in the face for my missionary heart and definitely an arrow pointing me toward my appropriate future. The symbolism that God showed me in that instant was truly awesome. After service that man came up to me and shook my hand and thanked me several times. He said it meant so much to him and he felt so compelled to tell me how grateful he was. I know that was God's way of confirming what He had just planted in my heart.”

Even now, rereading this does great things in my spirit. God is just so awesome. This excerpt will also be very intriguing to keep in mind for when I am able to finally write the long post I mentioned at the start of this one. It was a powerful moment for me and I think these kinds of moments are crucial to share to uplift and encourage others.

There was one other draft in the battery of half-written thoughts on my page, but this one I think I will actually write, eventually. It has no real significance, but it just fun and interesting. I intend to get much more involved on this blog again in the next few months, so I’m sure it will be posted at some point. I guess at this point, that’s all I have for this post. Basically, I just wanted to address the things I had already drafted but never posted and put them out here in some form at least; and give anyone who actually reads this a heads up that I haven’t dropped off the planet and that big things are coming: a huge story about change and growth and a much more attentive writer to her blog. Big things are happening, don’t shy away from the greatness you’re called to! Until next time faithful readers, adieu!