Sunday, March 6, 2011

Part I: The Backstory.

For anyone who knows me personally, you know I have several blogs which hold several unique purposes. This is no different. The plan here is just to pass along things that are going on in my life and a little bit of explaining what goes on in my head (a scary thought I know, which is why it's only a "little bit"). I'm hoping to bring together some of the more exciting aspects of my life (travel and adventure) with the mundane yet necessary (and at times exciting in a nerdy sort of way) school and work things. I like to write so not only is this good practice, but I like to put my own artistic expression on things to show people how I see them. I make no guarantees on how often I'll post here. I'd like to whenever the mood strikes, yet the chaos of life will distract me I'm sure. So for anyone out there who cares enough to stalk me (become an official "follower" of my blog if you do-I'll feel good about myself, haha) my apologies in advance for the tireless hours you will waste waiting for a post from me that may never come--note the sarcastic tone.

For anyone who may not know me and stumbles upon this online here's the short version of my life (assuming I can actually tell any story in a "short" version--oh, you'll learn dear reader, just wait...) which I'm sure I will elaborate on parts of from time to time as things come up in future posts. I am currently 23 years old and in my second year of graduate school for my PhD in political science. The ultimate goal is to be a college professor. I should say, the real ultimate goal is travel; becoming a professor is just a means to the end (but one which I will enjoy in the process). That being said, travel is my biggest passion and I will go anywhere I have the chance. New Orleans is my favorite place in the U.S. and I plan to live there when school finally sets me free. I'm finally getting back into athletics like I used to be and it makes me a much happier person on so many levels. I have a B.A. in political science and French. I've been to a total of three continents (one of which is North America), eight countries (U.S. included), and (I think) 39 states. The goal: go everywhere. I realize the improbabilities (such as Antarctica, etc) but I'm still going to try to get to as many places as I can. I started going to church regularly when I was 17 and have a strong faith in Jesus Christ. My life has never been the same since I allowed Him to come into my life and He makes even the little things have meaning. I'm very open minded. Some people may not believe that after my previous declaration, but here's my advice on that: (and I say this from a political mind frame considering it's my field of study) whether you're a liberal or conservative you always hear about the "crazy extremists" on your side and the opposing. I'm willing to bet that you're annoyed that the general view of your party is based on those extremists and/or you're not sure why those extremists seem to be the most common portrayal when you're sure most people are far more moderate. Media exaggerates. War sells; peace doesn't. Basically, don't believe everything you hear. The "crazies" are not the majority. And not all people of true faith are judgmental and close-minded. So, the one request I make here is for anyone who comes upon this to show respect to me as I will to you and come here with an open mind. I welcome any and all comments or questions about anything I post, as long as you interact respectfully. Backtracking slightly, you may be wondering why I italicized "true faith" a few sentences earlier. This is a topic for a much longer post, but the basic gist is that there is a big difference between "religion" and "faith" and the world is full of hypocrites. Again, I stress not to judge a group of people by their outliers. I am currently working on campus teaching freshmen level writing courses as well as working as a server in a restaurant on the weekends. Yes, (un?)fortunate soul who stumbled here, this is the short version, and it's not even the tip of the iceberg; but, I won't go on. I think this is enough to get a feel for this author as a person so what follows may be a bit more comprehensible.

So here goes nothing: a new blog, soon to be full of random musings, pointless tales, rants, adventures, boredom, excitement, and so many other things. Good luck attempting to follow my thought patterns; I hope to hear from you as you read! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This is so nice - I really enjoyed reading it, especially the second part. I really think you are a very open minded and special person (who also puts up with many of my defects and sometimes not so open minded rants) and I'm really glad you're my friend.

    Your MOH :)
